It's time to declare a winner in the cheek battle. No one can look at this photo (grainy and out of focus though it is) and deny that Iain's cheeks have finally spun out of control. He can hardly open his mouth from the weight of the cheek-fat. Note how his chin is starting to disappear into it.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Kneel Before Zod
It's time to declare a winner in the cheek battle. No one can look at this photo (grainy and out of focus though it is) and deny that Iain's cheeks have finally spun out of control. He can hardly open his mouth from the weight of the cheek-fat. Note how his chin is starting to disappear into it.
Brando's Family
Brando's Mommy was busy playing with Big Sister Chloe.
To me, Brando looks a lot like his Grandfather. But he also bears a strong resemblance to Aunt Miriam when she was a baby.
Here he is with Grandmother. Little does he know it, but this is actually The Lap of Luxury. Seriously. In the OED, if you look up "luxury" there's a picture of Brando's grandmother. In the picture, I think she's making corn pudding, but I can't be sure. Could be french-toast casserole.
Last but certainly far from least, here's Chloe smiling. Check out that blonde hair - just like Mommy.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Busy Busy Busy
It's a HABA toy, orange, red and yellow with lovely little nubs to shove against your aching gums. Good timing, since Iain appears to be getting his first tooth this week. At least, I hope so. If not, he's just grumpy.
And here is the cause of all this largesse. Aunt Miriam, giver of many wonderful things, maker of beautiful cross-stitched Beatrix Potter blankets and pictures, baker of Impossible Pies and maker of skinny pancakes, exemplar of elegance and proof that good parenting can make good people, and - above all - a really, really good friend.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Further Developments
And here's the close-up of that expression people talk about when they say babies look wise. He looks pretty smart, huh? I think he looks a little like his grandmother in this picture.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Making Yeast Rolls
These were bagged for transport, but at home you'd lay them out on a cookie sheet, drizzle them with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper, then roast at 425F for 10-15 minutes (If they're skinny, or you like asparagus crispier, leave them in for less time. If you like your asparagus soft, or if the spears are thick, leave them in longer.) It's easy and the result is very tasty.
Boiling or steaming asparagus makes no sense to me - the spears are all wet so anything you add (butter, sauce, salt) just slips off. They end up tasting like bare vegetable. This way, the olive oil on the spears helps the salt and pepper stick, so they taste yummy. You can add other things if you like, just make sure you use spices that won't burn. So no garlic or green herbs. You could add herbs after the tray comes out, and toss them with the spears before serving. As you can see in the picture, I line my tray with a silpat (silicone patty), which ensures no sticking.
Our other contribution was yeast rolls. I have never before made yeast rolls, and I rarely cook with yeast. Maybe that's why I found these a bit of a challenge.
Or maybe (just maybe) it was the fact that the recipe called for 3 cups of flour but the eventual product required more than 4. When you look into your mixer and instead of bread dough you see something that looks like cake batter - that's bad.
But I pulled it out in the end. These rolls proved why playing with yeast is not for the faint of heart, though. I started the mixture at 7:30am. The final product emerged from the oven at 1pm. Seriously.
Charles thought they were tasty, though. I've included the (corrected) recipe below, but it's a basic roll recipe.
I got the recipe (in its original form, and minus the snarky additions) here.
1. Put 4 cups of flour in your mixing bowl, add one teaspoon of salt. Be sure to use iodized salt, because kosher salt is less salty and will throw off the taste. Whisk it a bit to mix.
2. In a saucepan, heat 1 cup of milk to 180F (I used a candy thermometer, but 180 is basically just beginning to boil - you're scalding the milk), then add 4 tablespoons of butter and one tablespoon of sugar. Stir it up, then take it off the heat and let it cool to 115F (pretty warm. This took 5 minutes, maybe). Then add a packet of yeast, and set it aside for 10 minutes.
3. Add 3 more tablespoons of sugar to the yeast mix, stir, and then add the glop to the flour in your bowl. Add two large eggs.
4. Put the dough hook on your mixer, or else get ready for a workout and use your wooden spoon. Mix on medium (or stir vigorously while your arm muscles protest) for 5 or 10 minutes until you have a ball that pulls away from the sides of the bowl. Don't be precious about it - it doesn't *all* pull away. Some sticks.
5. Get out a big bowl. Pour in some olive oil, plop in your dough ball, roll it around to coat it in oil, and drape a towel over the top. Set a timer for 2 hours and walk away. Make yourself a martini. Yes, at 8am.
[If your kitchen is cold, you can put the bowl in your oven (turned off!) for the rising. The light in your oven will generate enough heat to keep things warm-ish]
6. When the timer goes off, come back, get out a cookie tray or a non-stick muffin tin. If your muffin tin is covered in rust chips, don't use it. Anyway, spray with PAM, wipe with oil, do something to make it greasy.
7. Divide your dough into 12 pieces. Do not divide it, miscount, and think 8 pieces are actually 12 pieces. That will be awkward later. Once divided, roll the dough around and make balls out of it. Put them on the greasy cookie sheet or in the greasy muffin tin.
8. Cover, let them sit for half an hour. Uncover. Let them sit another hour and a half.
9. Bake at 400F for 8-10 minutes. I brushed them with melted butter after 8 minutes and put them back in, to enhance the browning of the tops.
For Aunt Miriam
This is where I get my diaper changed, my clothes changed, my sheets changed, and where I take my naps. Sometimes I play in here, but not that often.
Here's my changing table. This is where I keep the wipe-box (my favorite diaper-time toy) and my shoes, jacket, and some other stuff. Aunt Miriam made the cross-stitched pictures that hang above my head.
1. Made rolls.
2. Thoroughly dirtied kitchen.
3. Fed Iain, bathed Iain, changed 2 poopy diapers and three sets of his clothes.
4. Made coffee for Charles.
5. Fed dogs.
6. Graded one paper.
7. Deleted an email from "US DEPARTMENT OF STATE" that originated in a gmail account.
8. Watered plants.
Whew. And yet, it all seems pretty insignificant.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
So here's my list:
1. Laundry
2. Change sheets
3. Yeast rolls
4. Grade 10 papers
5. Complete Narrative section on at least one of the three parts of my 3rd year review.
6. Write letter of recommendation for Jesse.
7. Write one thank-you note.
8. Write one page (at least!) in Chapter 4.1
9. Wipe down one surface
10. Clean one appliance (toaster, microwave, oven, fridge, washer, dryer, coffee-maker)
So far:
1. Took Iain to the doctor (flu booster)
2. Checked email
3. Blogged
4. Fed dogs
5. Fed Iain (twice? three times?)
6. Made Broccoli baby food.
7. Grocery/Liquor Barn
8. Found yeast roll recipe
9. Completed listing portion of 3rd year review.
10. Watered plants
11. Unloaded dishwasher.
12. Mailed 2 thank-you notes and one totally unnecessary W-9 form.
13. Did a little dance of joy at the news of Ben's birth.
I just want a cup of tea, now. I should stress that I like a to-do list to be ridiculously ambitious. I won't get half of that done, but that's ok. You gotta have dreams.
[Edit: 6:48pm: what I changed to blue I got done. Not much, except that I did the entire narrative, not just one part. So that's something.]
Everyone out there in the Land of Rain sounds delirious, and here at Casa Iain we're thrilled. With Iain, Brando and Asher, this makes almost enough for a late-night posse. Knowing the relative personalities involved, I'm going to predict that Brando and Ben will be the leaders of the pack, with Iain and Asher providing a voice of reason at 3am.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
This year's baby wearing week mostly revolved around a controversial Motrin ad that suggested that women needed pain medication because wearing your baby hurts your back. Now, I'm a big fan of wearing your baby. We have the Bjorn, the Moby wrap, and our Zolo wrap (in black!!).
But Iain weighs about 19 lbs, kids. So while I get it that Motrin's ad was kind of rude, and it certainly implied that moms are frivolous and mostly concerned with does give me a backache to carry him around! He's heavy enough to be a real burden, and not yet old enough to hold himself up a bit (except for that one time coming down the stairs, when he was jostled and grabbed on like a rhesus monkey.).
Anyway, here's a nice middle ground: wearing your baby is fun and convenient. I don't know if it will produce a little Rhodes scholar, but it can't hurt. There are a lot of options for wearing your baby, and I find that all of them are pretty good, with some better for some things (ie, as Momma points out over at MNM, the Bjorn is more manly, and as I would add: the Moby wrap is warmer, so that's good right now but was bad in August.).
Baby wearing might give you a backache. On the other hand, with everything you have to do once you have a baby, who notices a back ache? Just don't take Motrin, whatever you do.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Great Idea
So some folks are finding creative ways to preserve the pleasure of Christmas gifts without the expense and consumerism. One example is the Mother Letter Project. It's an effort to collect letters from mothers to mothers as a gift for one mother. I love this idea, and I contributed a letter.
Mine said:
Such a Big Boy
Iain's sitting on the floor, alternately mouthing his precious Breakstone cottage cheese container, laughing at Juno, and sucking on his bottle.
This is today's new thing. He was sitting up in his chair, leaning forward and playing with the bottle. That freaked me out. So I put him on the floor with the bottle so that if he tipped forward he wouldn't fall and break his neck.
He drank a little, then put the bottle down and picked up a toy. Then he drank a little more. Then he put the bottle inside one of his paper boxes and played with a different toy. In other words: he's treating that bottle like a nice glass of wine you drink slowly while you relax with the day's mail. Flip through a catalogue - sip - pet your dog - sip - check out the headlines - sip.
It's just amazing the difference a few weeks make.
Meanwhile, poor Daddy is upstairs, passed out from Dramamine. He's got a stomach bug. All good wishes are welcome, as he is having a Very Bad Day.
P.S. Whenever Juno huffs and puffs (that half-bark dogs make when someone drives by), Iain laughs like a loon. I wonder if he thinks she's talking to him?
A New Toy for Iain, and one for Mommy too
We caught up on some juicy happenings ("he said what? I hope they paid you off bigtime!") and interesting developments ("Aunt Sandra's at Blenheim, now? Wonderful!"). There was bad news, too ("I can't be as mean to the local dealers, because they're all hurting." That's just sad - Tony's favorite* part of his job was yelling at local dealers).
Mostly, it was lovely to catch up. They're thinking of coming for a wee visit, and with the exchange rate so much better (but I'm not bitter!), we're thinking of going back for a wee visit as well. Too bad they didn't get that 6BR house, though. We'd have Moved Right In.
Here's a bit of nostalgia, boys: us on the canal
And Bart and Me in Bath. Note Bart's Historical Hat. Davy Crockett would be so proud.
[EDIT: Whoops! Bart points out that we were at Woburn Abbey. True, true. I just can't keep track of all the fun stuff we did. The best thing was lowering ourselves out of that window at Oxford Castle. You know, just like Empress Mathilda in 1142. Remember that? Good times.]
[Ok, we didn't do that. But it would have been fun.]
* or, "favourite" if you prefer.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Fun with Appetizers
I brought appetizers, and since our little dinner strained the available silverware, I brought some knives for the cheese. The knives came from this lovely set passed on to me by my parents.
One member of our party enjoyed the appetizers more than most. Check out those cheeks - talk about storing nuts for winter!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Apple Pie for People Who Like a Little Spice
This morning I made an apple pie. Since it's that season, I figured the recipe might be of interest to a few people, so here's how I do it.
First, you should know that in an apple pie I'm looking for a very spicy, flavorful filling and for apples that aren't smushy and for an interior product that does not slop around once the pie is cut. If you like apple pie to taste like pure apple, this is not for you. Ditto apple pie soup.
For the streusel:
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup butter (soft-ish. I cut it into little chunks)
For the pie:
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar
2 Tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoons cinnamon, nutmeg
1/8 teaspoons ginger, allspice (but let's be real: I add however much I like, which is usually a lot of cinnamon, some allspice, and a quarter of a nutmeg grated in my microplane grater. I don't add ginger because Charles doesn't like it)
2 teaspoons grated orange peel
2 Tablespoons orange juice
7 or 8 apples, peeled, cored, sliced (I use a crunchy, sweet apple, not a tart apple. We prefer Fuji, but I've also used braeburns. Down with the Granny Smith apple.)
1 pastry shell (do what you want. I buy Pillsbury, although after the third iteration of their crust not un-rolling, I'm starting to get pissed)
Make the streusel by mixing the ingredients. Rub the butter in with your fingers. Add some cinnamon if you like. I do, because you can't have enough cinnamon. This will make a gross kind of paste. Wipe your hands off and set it aside.
Put your pastry into your pie pan. I like a Pyrex pie pan, partly because I can see inside and partly because it was a gift from my father-in-law many years ago and it's insanely useful.
Preheat the oven to 425 F. (yes, 425. Hot.)
Take out your big, heavy skillet. Heat it to medium (set on stove, turn on heat, wait 3 or 4 minutes). Then add everything on the list up to the apples. That would be: sugars, flour, spices, orange zest and juice. Let it melt/dissolve (it sort of does both, since some dissolves into the liquid and as the mixture heats some melts). Once it's looking like a yummy, spicy, caramel-y sauce (like 2 minutes, max), add the apple slices (no, I didn't toss them with lemon juice. They're going to be coated in brown caramel so if they brown a little no one will know). Stir it all up so that the sauce is thickening and the apple slices are coated.
Transfer all that goo into the pie dish. Cover the top with the streusel. It won't seem like enough, but just distribute it around as best you can. Don't worry that it doesn't cover the top. I said relax.
Bake at 425 for 10 minutes. If you have a crust-cover thingy, put it on after 10 minutes. Lower the heat to 350 and bake another 40-50 minutes. Check it and see how brown the top is. If you think it looks taste, take it out. Let it cool before you cut into it, both because this will help the sauce thicken more and because you'll burn your fool mouth.
NB: this recipe is intended to solve 2 problems:
1. The fact that apple pie is often kind of bland. This recipe uses a lot of spice. The whole idea is that the pie will taste sweeter and more exotic than applesauce. So you can add or subtract spice as you like. I often add more, if it's just for us or if we're eating vanilla ice cream with it. I've occasionally added less and made cinnamon ice cream. Obviously, if you like ginger, go crazy. You could also try something like cardamom.
Finally, you can buy things like cinnamon from Penzey's in bulk. Buying in bulk means the spice comes in a plastic bag (not a jar) and you're paying mostly for the product, not the container. When you buy cinnamon in quantities like 6 ounces, you can use more without worrying about it.
2. I hate it when apple-pie filling slumps into the middle of the pan after you cut out a piece. If you like that, you'll find this recipe too gooey/solid. The point of sauteeing the filling first is to start the thickening process (the thickener is the 2T of AP flour) so that by the time the pie is baking, the filling is already thick.
Thus, the streusel top is dual-purpose. It adds sugar and spice, but it also leaves holes through which water can evaporate. With a pie-crust top you'll keep a lot of moisture in, which will mean a wetter pie. I want the liquid to bubble and bubble as it bakes, so that by the end it's concentrated. Hence, streusel.
[EDIT: do not put foil on the top until the pie is *completely* cooled, or your streusel will turn into yucky goo. Take it from me.]
It's a Thanksgiving Miracle
5:58: Mommy thinks, "maybe he'll go back to sleep." He's never gone back to sleep before.
5:59: He goes back to sleep.
6:00 Mommy goes back to sleep.
7:58: Iain wakes up for good.
8:00: Mommy can't believe she actually slept until 8 o'clock. Mommy is happy.
Friday, November 21, 2008
RIP Vomit Cannon
Thank you, FSM. Thank you.
Of course, the diaper cannon continues unabated. Stronger, even (if such a thing is possible).
It's great if you're just looking for a little inspiration, too. The site works from a wiki model. That is, it's user-generated/modified. People create little baseball-cards with a photo and description. Each one is for a recipe from a foodblog. So the page shows a series of these cards laid out for your delectation. Soups, cookies, how-to's, bread, you name it. People submit new things every day, so each day the site offers you ten or twenty new links.
Click on one that interests you, and suddenly you're reading a review of a cupcake store in Seattle, or watching someone make home-made shredded coconut, or drooling over caramel cake.
It's fun, and a good place to go for ideas that range from ridiculously complex (in some cases impossible in this hemisphere) to utterly effortless.
Oh Noes!
So you can see why I took it very seriously when the DM reported that babies who sit in front-facing strollers are destined for a life of misery. According to the researcher at University of Dundee whom they quote, "Our data suggests [sic] that for many babies, life in a buggy is emotionally impoverished and possibly stressful. Stressed babies grow into anxious adults."
The theory is that when the baby faces you, he gets to listen to you, see you, etc. When he faces out, he has only the entire world to look at. Poor baby - no stimulation. Should we re-think the BOB? Is Iain going to grow up to be anxious because he had to look at nature instead of watching me tromp along? There's so much to worry about.
Gotta go. The DM is reporting that popstar Katy Perry dressed as a "sexy senorita" for a gig. Once I read that, though, it's back to boycotting the DM for what they did to Russell Brand. Have no fear, Tony: I still hate them the most.