Next thing I know, he's holding them, one after the other, and shaking them up and down. This may not seem like a big deal to you, but the book makes rattling noises (due to those little pyramids in the cover) and the monkey has a bell inside.
So Iain figured out that each item makes a noise. He then figured out that he could trigger that noise by moving them up and down. He then experimented with each toy in turn.
That, my friends, is thinking.
Next stop: calculus.
My first thought is, "Oh! That's so neat!"
My second thought it, "I didn't even realize he was on a table..."
Yeah, well. I posted it and then realized that the text sort of implied that he did all that thinkin' while on the table.
Don't want anyone to worry about Iain learning to dive off the DR table. He'll try that *next* week.
He is a genius!
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