Monday, November 16, 2009

Feel the Love, People

Oh, hai. Here are some more pictures of my special evening with Callie. And some other people. But mostly, Callie.

We played outside a lot. I walked around on the back deck, watching the big boys leaping off and running and wrestling and generally banging or slamming or whacking or otherwise applying mass and velocity to the ground, the trees, the walls, and each other.

I did not try to emulate them. However, Callie and I enjoyed playing in their wake, and we experimented with games like "Give Me the Football" (here's how you play: walk up to The Mom. Say "fuba!" with increasing ferocity while she stares at you, uncomprehending. Finally, point at the football on the ground until she gives it to you.), and "Hide In Plain Sight Under A Small Tree."

Every so often, we had to retreat to Callie's Mom for a little Love:

Callie took the chance to plant another smacker on me. She's a kisser, that girl. See how our outfits match? I know!

Inside, things were slightly more sedate. Callie read books, we played with her toys, and eventually we all ate supper. More on that later. For now, bask in the loveliness that is Callie:

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