Iain and Daddy have been practicing some skills. This one is called Verticality. Iain's not sure yet.
However, there has been an amusing development on the crawling front. Tonight, we gave Iain a bath. He immediately flipped onto his tummy and started trying to crawl in the bath.
I might have been ok with that, except that being face-down in water is not my ideal situation for Iain. And the part where he kept reaching for the drain? I did not like that one bit. Also, it made washing him rather difficult - how was I going to reach his tummy, for instance? He simply would not sit up or stand up or give me access to things like his toes.
A few months ago, Callie turned into a wiggle-worm when her mom was trying to change her diaper or put on her jammies. It was funny to watch. Now...not so funny. Because NOW, it's my son who is wiggling all the time and making it hard to change diapers, wash toes, and keep him from ending up breathing water.
As usual, this whole parenting thing is all about humility.
I remember that time! I was always worried about slippery, wiggly Evie! Now, I just say "Evie, please let the water out of the tub!"
Congrats on your little crawler!
Well that's a relief. I'll look forward to him helping with the bath a year from now.
This morning, he *did* sort of wiggle around a bit. Might be crawling. Hard to say.
It's a relief to know you went through this, too, I mean.
until Sweet Pea was able to understand what I was telling him to do and actually listen I just took a bath with him. lol. made it tons easier. oh...and the diaper thing...that just gets worse.
I did that, too, Momma, for a long time. But it got to be a production and he seems to like playing in the water by himself. I might have to revive my bath participation, until he figures out how *not* to scare me to death.
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