Thursday, August 06, 2009

You Saw Before, Now This is After

Why look! Herbs under all those tomatoes.

Here are the tomatoes after I gave them a haircut and tied up the dahlias. Next year: plant dahlias where I can stake them. Oh, and be here to do it.

Check out the dirt! You couldn't actually see the ground before, but now there's airflow (important for tomatoes, I read) and a bit more light reaching my little herbies. The plants in the middle are annuals, while the herbs will be perennials in many cases. So it behooves me to baby them a bit more than the tomatoes/peppers in hopes that the herbs will overwinter and come back next year to make my dinners delish.

The other night the Bizzles joined us for a last dinner before my FIL left to return home. We had a lovely summer meal, complete with herbs from my garden, tomatoes from this very raised bed, and plenty of good company. There's just nothing so nice as being able to step outside the kitchen to cut a bunch of parsely, sage, rosemary or thyme. Or oregano. Whatever.

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