Thursday, September 24, 2009

Funny Babies

Inspired by Sarah over at Oakbriar Farm, here's a Cuteness(tm) that Iain provided last night.

Background: At daycare, his teacher Miss Donna likes the kids to learn how to say "I love you" in sign language. So you point to your eye and say "I," then cross your arms across your chest and say, "love," then point at whomever and say "you!"

Last night, Iain demonstrated that he's starting to learn how to do this. He pointed and said "I," then waggled his fists near his chest and said, "wuv," then Charles said "Who do you love? Mama? Daddy?" and Iain said, "Donna!"

Oh. Ok. Maybe next time it'll be me.


Unknown said...

Dear Heart,

Lots and lots of folks love you, including me and including your precious son. He just hasn't got the words in the right order yet.

SarahHub said...

So cute and funny! Remember when Evie said "I love your... soda!"? Kids...