In the car the other day, he was saying:
"No, book. No, truck. No, carseat. No, Bob. No, Kipper."
I said, "Iain, How about saying 'Yes' instead?"
Then, yesterday, he had the World's Worst Day at daycare. Tantrums, screaming, no food, just an utter meltdown. He preceded it by freaking out over his breakfast ("NO! Waffles!"). He finished the day with a nice freakout over dinner. It sucked.I said, "Iain, How about saying 'Yes' instead?"
Miss Donna told him that he couldn't have a sticker. Only good boys get a sticker. And she told him that his report card for that day would show the tantrums, so Mommy, Daddy, and Grandma would know.
Perhaps that sank into his tiny little 2-year old psyche.
Because today, he was just fine. He ate an entire waffle (butter and syrup) plus vanilla yogurt and wild Maine blueberries for breakfast. Then he went to school, where he threw no tantrums, ate everything at lunch, participated in art, and took a good nap. He got a sticker and a certificate for being "helpful." In the afternoon, he joined me at the grocery, coped cheerfully with traffic on the way home, ate his noodles for dinner, took a bath and went to bed smiling. Thank God.
Last, and kind of least, I just received an email containing a positive review of a book to which I contributed. It was published in Australia, and is an interesting hybrid - published online and in a print-on-demand format through a university press. It's my first review, though not mine alone.
Fingers crossed for tomorrow. I don't expect it to be as nice as today, but anything in the normal range would be most welcome.
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