Monday, March 29, 2010

Where's Your Sticker?

When I picked Iain up today, I asked him "Did you get a sticker?" "Iain!" his teacher said, "Where's your sticker?" She pointed to the trash. Uh oh.

I guess he had a rough day. No art, no circle time, a powerful desire to borrow some other baby's bottle (!! He hasn't had a bottle in a year!), and a general sense of grouchiness. No sticker. At some point he reformed, saying "Sorry" to Donna and asking for a sticker. But by then it was too late.

He went home, though, ate a good supper ("Mac and CHEESE!"), had a pleasant bath, watched Bob the Builder, and off to bed without a peep. I dunno. So far, nearly two is a strange age.

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