1. That means that children are not running up and down the glass staircase, in danger of killing themselves and giving the rest of us palpitations. Now, I admit that Lawrence and I saw two little boys laying flat on the floor of the glass elevator, going up and down while giggling like a pair of zany hyenas. But that's different.
2. The basement isn't exactly...basement-y. It's the ground floor looking up through the gap between the library proper and its glass shell. So they string canvas shades to provide filtered light:
Along the walls are nooks designed for reading and play. The one below is blurry and I apologize. But it's an ice palace, built with a skylight.
Smaller nooks allow kids to duck into the concrete walls for some reading. Note that a book and teddy bear have been provided. Thoughtful, no?
It opens up into this:
There must have been a horror theme the day we visited, because on every shelf stood monsters. Like this one:
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