Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Lego Freakout

Somewhere in Sweden, toy designers exult.

Why? Because they know that all over the land kids are popping together Legos, making trains and tracks and construction vehicles and attack droids and all kinds of other things.

No exceptions here. Iain spent the last few days immersed in Legos.

We've finally reached the stage where our Legos require batteries. Next stop: robots.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Wedding Cake For KP and Laurie

We had a dinner planned with KP and Laurie last Friday night. Nothing especially fancy - just a glass of wine and some pot roast.

But then. A federal judge decided to act before the holiday began. He did. We needed, as a consequence, cake.

So cake. Plus an orange buttercream. Plus raspberry jam on top for color and tang. Plus some candy pearls I had in the cabinet.

I'm not much of a cake decorator, but it was festive. And we wanted so much to celebrate.

Saturday, December 21, 2013


Above, the scene in 2009. Bart and Tony married. Alina, Charles and I represented GSSM.  Iain drooled. Iain coveted the toys intended for Bart and Tony's nephew. Iain refused to nap. Iain screamed his little head off. Iain face-planted onto concrete. It was a party.

Iain, coveting toys not his own

Sunday (Sunday!!) the gents arrive for a visit. Sunday! We've laid on ten pounds of cookies, toffee, and chocolate (courtesy of my generous, sweet students), 6 inches of snow, and a significant quantity of whisky (Irish, Scotch, and Kentucky bourbon). We even have local beer (Squatter's winter special called "Chasing Tail" and decorated with a Golden Retriever).

Iain and Tony. I think Tony just told Iain about the Crystal Method.

Party 2.0. Starts Sunday.

Friday, December 20, 2013


A happy day in Utah. Congratulations to Kody and Laurie. 

ETA: The New York Times likes kissing. Or so one might assume from their photographic choices.

SNOW! Actually, it was kind of a mess. But: SNOW!

Yesterday. Steady snow all day long. The result? 4 or 5 inches above a nice, crunchy layer of ice. Joy.

And tonight/tomorrow? More snow! 3-6 inches, if you believe the Tribune.

In other news, Iain has decided to re-write The Grinch. Now, instead of the Who families singing after the Grinch steals their stuff, they "pew" him with their "Whoinator." Pew-ing is like shooting, but it makes a noise that sounds like "pew! pew!"

That's the report from hereabouts.

Sunday, December 15, 2013


At the end of summer I started work on a new quilt for Iain. He chose the fabric, I chose the pattern. By the start of school I'd pretty much finished the top. Remember Iain posing with the top? Such a ham.

And now, the whole thing. Done, washed, placed on bed for youthful enjoyment. Iain's comment? "Old quilts are much softer." Yes, son.

I told him not to worry. By the time he's in third grade this quilt will be just fine. Until then, cowboy up.

Note that in these photos you can see the backing - elephants. Because: elephants.

Sunday, December 08, 2013

No Good, part 2

Iain holds up a Lego mini-fig.

"Name this guy!" he demands.

"Otis," I say.

"Ummm...no, that wouldn't work. His name is Amazing Ouch Guy."

Well, right. Silly me.

Friday, December 06, 2013

The Worst

 Above, Iain's first note to me. I'm so proud! It's legible and spelled correctly. So, so proud.

Below, a note written the same night. He asked Charles  how to spell "enter" but I guess the signals crossed somehow.

In case you think this misanthropy comes and goes...not really. Last night he told me, "Mom, the only thing worse than an iPad with no juice is: YOU!"