Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Time Lapse

Still no baby, but the end is in sight.

(And, for the random viewer, that ain't us in the film.)


Unknown said...

I don't believe you. Totally you.

Anonymous said...

I know y'all want the kid to show up, but seriously, I'm glad that it wasn't today. Who wants to be burdened with having been born on tax day?

Anonymous said...

Well, I know y'all are ready to have the kid finally show up, but I'm glad that it wasn't today. I mean, who wants to be burdened with having been born on tax day? "Happy IRS/B-Day!!!" Yuck.

Hope the bambino arrives soon,


Bart said...

This is one tardy kid you've got here!

And that clip is something else. Must be weird being a ladyperson.

Anonymous said...

Hellooooo! Are you going to update anytime soon? Are you busy or something? We can't wait to find out if you have a child. If you did I'm sure it's probably small, hairless, and has little hands and feet.