Saturday, April 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Miss M

Today is Miss MEHC's birthday. Here she is with Iain, two summers ago. She wanted to see the Salt Lake. she's seen it. And smelled it.

Isn't this a great week for birthdays? Wednesday Iain turned 4 (Miss M sent him a University of Kentucky sweatshirt - he wore it to school immediately because, you know, 8 TIME CHAMPIONS!!!). Today, Miss M turns...ummm...not sure. Younger than me, anyway. So a good week, right?

NOTE: Regarding, as noted in the previous post, Iain's Yo, Gabba Gabba obsession: I took him to the Senior Dance Performance. Between two dances he said, loudly, "When will they dance like Yo, Gabba Gabba?" Time to go!

NOTE: Today he asked me what "tough" means. I explained about emotional toughness, intellectual toughness, and physical toughness. I told him I'd like him to have all three, and not be fearful or hesitant. He thought about that. Then he said, "I'm a little bit afraid...of scissors." Oh. Well, then.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That lake was so stinky.