Friday, January 02, 2015


Iain loves young ladies. One of his favorites lives nearby (and, in LA terms, nearby is an hour away). She came down here for a playdate on Wednesday.

One reason we like the LB place is that a park, library, police station, and city hall sit right across the street. So over there we went and the Young Lady and Iain played like maniacs for an hour while the grownups debated education policy.

Before that: Legos! Books! Plants vs. Zombies! iPad! Building a barricade in the hallway and giggling while trying to distract the old people with a "dance performance."

After: chocolate hippo cookies, juice, a public reading by our resident Reader-in-Chief, and a loving sendoff.

We can't wait until June. She's promised a pool-related playdate then. Iain is excited by the prospect.

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