Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Chez Kjerulf

Is really pretty. Note the blue shutters. They work. Note the slate walls. That's right, the walls are about a foot thick, made of slate stacked like dinner plates. Angers produces slate, and Trelaze was a mining town before the mine closed. Brian and Dominique say that the house remains about 65-70 degrees year round because of its walls.

This rose was a gift to Dominique about four years ago. Number one, how pretty is that? Number two, if you enlarge the image below you can see the stem in relation to my hand. It got that big in 4 years. Wow. And Stick said it was climbing up the house. They had to cut it back. Amazing.


Bart said...

Wow, that is gorgeous. Looks like you two had a wonderful trip. More pictures, please! :¬)

Unknown said...

Maybe my roses will look like that one day!