Monday, July 28, 2014


Tonight we played our first game of Monopoly as a family. Charles won.

He won on the measure: how many 1's do you have?
He won on the measure: how much money do you have overall?
He won on the measure: how much money are your properties worth?

Iain cried. Charles said, "It's just a game. You won on the measure of most monopolies [2]." Iain was unconsoled.

He said, "I want to turn the game off."

Like it was a video game.

Charles points out, it's not a board game (or a family game) without someone crying. Mommy dropped an F-bomb so everyone's performing up to expectations.

[ETA: Aaaannd the revisionism begins. Iain says, "well, at least I won." ??? "Well, I had the MOST MONOPOLIES."]

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