Thursday, May 29, 2008

Safety First

Iain in his carseat, both ready to ride and just hanging out:

Going to the grocery, outfit by Grannypants

Waking from a nap, deeply suspicious. Outfit by Patty D.

Fully awake, bib by Tom Appleton

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Okay--I've finally seen a picture where your son resembles you, Fiona. Most of the pictures have him looking EXACTLY like Charles, but the suspicious look in that "I just woke up WHY are you looking at me" picture is ALL you. I remember it distinctly from the days when waking you up required a foot tickle and a quick leap across the room to avoid the inevitable bed explosion. Really, though--it's not fair for so much gorgeousness to be in one child.

Love Heather