Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Then and Now

Above, April 3. Yes, April 3, 2011. Snow on my garden. Underneath, little seedlings grew despite the weather. And now...

Ta Da! Check out the progress over the last 8 weeks:

The pea shoots reach up about 9 inches, almost to the netting. The lettuces are fully grown and I've begun to harvest them. Charles prefers a crunchier salad, but for me these tender baby leaves are divine.

Below, the spinach and Swiss chard. The spinach loves all the rain we've been getting, so it's going gangbusters. The chard took an incredible amount of time to germinate, but now things seem to be moving ahead. Slowly. Those plants are about the size of a quarter, so there's a ways to go before we'll be eating chard with dinner.

Salad, anyone? Purple leaves, speckled leaves, green leaves, I got whatever you like. Except crunchy. If I planted Romaine seeds I can't find them now. Oh, well.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ohhhh I'd love me some red lettuce! We didn't plant any this year for some reason. We harvested a few leaves for a sandwich the other day-- was the best tasting sando I have had in a long while!