Sunday, September 05, 2010

Oh, the Craziness

This weekend. Wow.

Saturday: playdate with an old, old, old friend and his wife and four (4!) kids. It would have been perfect, but for two things. First, I overcooked the chicken for our lunch, and second it was 90000 degrees. Later on, we joined my colleagues and their two sons for a late playdate at Red Butte Gardens. That really was perfect. We ate grapes and watched the boys play (their older son and Iain particularly enjoyed "bathing" Thomas the Tank Engine in the fountain) and fed the koi and generally had a relaxing evening.

Today started off a little nuts. I woke at 6:45, convinced that the evaporative cooler must be leaking. What was that noise? Drip, splash, drip, splash...oh. That would be the coffee machine, crazy first-thing-in-the-morning lady.

Charles departed at 7:30 to hike (or, as he described it, "scramble") up Little Cottonwood Canyon, and I slept on, peacefully, until 9:11. Great! Right? No. Iain and I were due at the park at 9:30. With breakfast for everyone else.

So we leapt into our duds, flew down to the store, picked up OJ and blueberry muffins, then sped over to the park at 9:53. We were the first ones there, proving that Charles was right when he said, "It's a good thing all parents are late."

But Iain enjoyed playing in the park (and eating blueberry muffins) with his school mates, and it killed the morning very effectively. We returned, lunched, and Iain spent 2 hours refusing to nap.

After that, it was time to join KP for an evening of cooking, eating, and ribaldry. We made veggie lasagna for a colleague (and for ourselves), LBJ baked us a loaf of fluffy white bread, and we sat out in the cooling air making jokes that involved substituting "porpoise" for "purpose."

Whew! Thank goodness tomorrow is a holiday. Our weekends are going to leave me too tired to teach.

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