Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Morning Update

Iain fussed as Mom was leaving and for a short time thereafter. I moved him from his bed, to our bed, back to his bed. We both slept until about 10. Then, it was the stuff him like a tick plan. Boy momentarily sated, it was shower time. During my shower, Iain thought it would be a good idea to stealthily fill his diaper. He managed to get a small spot on his onesie, but no other major damage, other than to my psyche.

All those literature types need to do some more research into Joseph Conrad. Are they sure he wasn't trapped with an infant with no one else to change dirty diapers when he was writing Heart of Darkness? I mean, to look into that greyish brown-green abyss is truly to look into the Heart of Darkness.

Iain is trying to nap as I write, but seems to have 'nap' confused with 'exercise lungs.'

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hmmm, after careful, read "way too much", thought, here is my list of writers who suffered agita over the same dark struggle.
Sylvia Plath, Feodor Dostoyevsky, Count Tolstoy, Sinclair Lewis, Anne Sexton, Donald Hall (just read his memoir and while he does not mention poo or the surfeit of same, he did have two kinder and does suffer from depression, so...)the late lamented Laurie Colwin, and a host of others.

Fight the good fight, Charles. Toilet training and the aftermath is worth wating for. The dawn follows the darkest night.