Tuesday, September 02, 2008

News and Notes

1. I think everyone, at some point in her life, should come home to this: "Your son made a huge poo and I nearly threw up."

2. We have a friend who is a great favorite of Charles. I understood why more completely tonight when she opened up her purse and revealed that she had a mini-bottle of Jack Daniels and some dark chocolate in there. What a woman.

3. Iain has two exciting new activities.

A. During his bath, he likes to come to the edge of the bath, reach out his arm, and let Juno lick the water off of his hand. He watches this with his complete attention, smiling.

B. While I was putting on his pajamas (read: plain onesie and socks), I grabbed his hand to put it through the sleeve. As soon as it was in the chute, he pushed the whole arm through, just like that. Apparently, Charles has been teaching him to do that. Wonderful.

4. I finally solved a mystery that's been bugging me for almost exactly 4 months. Background: when my mother came to visit (Iain was a week old), she played a game where she pulled out his arms and said, "How big is Iain? Sooooo Big!" Three weeks later, my mother-in-law did the same thing. Now, that's just weird.

But today, we received a gift in the mail. Sent by my friend Gabe, it was a book of baby sign language (Little Callie does this, so we've seen its utility already) and a copy of Pat the Bunny. Iain was fussy, so I ripped that puppy open and immediately read it to him. He patted the bunny. He played Peek-a-Boo. he looked at himself in the mirror. And, on page 5 or so, he opened up the book within the book to find the page that says, "How big is bunny? Soooo Big!"



Anonymous said...

This is very interesting, as I have always about how big is the baby, sooo big, and never thought about I knew it to be so fundamental to baby tending. So when I ggoled the author I found that Pat the Bunny saw the light of publishing in 1940. So perhaps, very likely, my Mother read it to me and played the same tender game.
So culture is transmitted. Warms the cockles of this old Anthropology major's heart.

Grandmother said...

Really? There's a cultural reference? And I just thought it was a natural thing to do with a growing baby! They love it, they learn it, they show it off, and are then rewarded with an abundance of positive reenforcement over how clever they are!

Love the photos of Iain! How big is he growing to be? So-o-o-o Big!

Miriam's Mom