Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Dialogue at Chez Iain

Charles: Hey, why don't you check the delivery status for our BOB?

Fiona: OK.

[time elapse: 3 hours while Fiona forgets, makes dinner, forgets, feeds baby, forgets, bathes baby, forgets, puts baby to bed, forgets, checks her email...]

Charles: Hey, why don't you check on the stroller?

Fiona: Ok.

Fiona: Huh.

Charles: What?

Fiona: "Delivered. 8-27-08."

Charles: Oh.

[Both go to front door. On porch is four foot by two foot box, in plain view.]

Charles and Fiona: These dogs are not doing their job.

The End.

Thank you. We'll be opening on Broadway in the spring.

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