Saturday, August 02, 2008


Mr. Boy had a very busy day today.

First, he got up at 6:30 and ate a hearty breakfast. You can't miss the most important meal of the day, even if you eat 6-8 times per day.

Then he went to the Farmer's Market. Mom was a bit put out to find the parking all messed up by some construction, and she should watch her language. At the market, Mr. Boy picked out garlic, bell peppers, yellow squash, and tomatoes. Yum.

After failing to run two more errands (grocery? Not open; Starbucks - to improve Mom's mood - a line six cars deep. Never mind.), Dr. Barf-olemew headed back home for a snack (second breakfast) and a consultation with Julie the Cruise Director (aka Sarah).

That led to an outing to Mother Nurture. They were having a big sale and Mom got a new pump and some accessories while Puke Doggy Dog got a sling (in black!) and two onesies (tie-dye! Blue and green).

Outing complete, Mr. Boy returned home for lunch. Then it was time to go out to Reed Valley Orchard and pick some fruit. The drive takes about an hour, so he napped while the chauffeur took care of the transport. Once there, the staff picked blueberries and "selected" peaches (Reed Valley informed us that we could pick our own but we ought not to because we would do "a bad job."). After a restorative peach slushie for the personal assistant/feeder, some ice cream for the chauffeur, and a wee snack for Himself, we returned to Lexington.

Two hours at the Bowes house followed, during which time Mr. Boy fended off the loving attention of both Bowes women, and managed to finagle his way into Callie's stroller, Callie's play station, and Callie's blanket. Pretty soon he'll be sleeping in her crib and eating her supper. Naturally, Senor Frog ate a little before departing, just to keep his strength up.

Finally, poor Little Man dragged himself along on a trip to a new Mexican restaurant. Everyone else ate (Callie had a teething cookie and used some Cheerios as a rattle), while the Little Man complained.

At long, long last, he returned to his cool, dark nest. One more snack (just topping off, right? Don't want to be hungry in the middle of the night), then approximately 30 seconds of cuddling before...


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