Wednesday, February 03, 2010

California Update

This just in from our California bureau:

Tonight, our young lady ran around the house shouting, "Macabee!" like, a hundred times.

Further, she pulled the Canadian flag out of one of our kitchen drawers -- what, you don't have a Canadian flag in your kitchen? -- and spent a full thirty minutes sneaking up on the cats and *draping* them with it. So that the cats were walking around under the Canadian flag, bummed, with just a head sticking out. I would like to apologize to Canada.

We're also on a cycle of approximately ten screaming tantrums per hour. That's an average of one every six minutes, dude. I s&*% you not. She makes floppy arms -- she sort of shakes the arms very loosely, with the hands limp and banging around. And informs her parents that they can really-extra-suck it, because NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YOGURT NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!

I mean, dude. The dad may have to start drinking again.
Ouch. I think the next year is going to be interesting for all of us. Except Callie's Staff, of course. She's already more than a quarter through The Twos, and by all accounts doing fine. I'm a leeetle beet jealous, but she's so cute it's hard to hold it against her.

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