Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Running (with or without WAFFLES!)

Tonight we confirmed that Iain is actually running. Running. As in jogging, sprinting, bopping along with a pair of shorty-shorts and a terrycloth headband, looking for birds you can take back to your pad and with whom you can rap about your etchings.

Or something.

Recall that Iain decided to walk at 16.5 months. Plenty of people said, "Oh, you watch. He'll go from crawling to running in a week!" Nope.

NOPE! [I'm not bitter and you can't prove it.]

Instead, he's been toddling all this time. But Sunday night when Callie chased him, I saw him run a bit. Not walkveryfast (what he usually does), but a true run.

And tonight he was doing it again. Real running, with all the stomping and face-plants that implies.

Yay! Now all we have to do is hide the scissors.

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