Tuesday, February 09, 2010

I'm So Ashamed

Yesterday, Iain tapped a lampshade and said, "Snow!"
I said: "No, honey. That's just dust."

We need to do a better job with housekeeping.

And while we're on the subject of cute things Iain said...

Yesterday, Iain dropped Elmo into his sippy cup (the lid was off because he asked and I didn't know that 5 minutes later he was going to pour the whole thing out on the table!) and I brought him a spoon to fish the little guy out.

We did it, then he grabbed the spoon and dropped it into the cup. "Coffee!" he said.

Charles and I like to leave the spoon in the mug when we drink coffee and tea. I guess he noticed. On the plus side, we can offer him pretty much anything in a mug with a spoon and tell him it's coffee.

1 comment:

Alexandra said...

don't be ashamed...I assure you our house is worse :)