Friday, August 27, 2010


Ah, the early morning. So cool, so quiet.

I leave for school in a moment, but before I go here's an update on yesterday:

Iain had a doctor's appointment. They were supposed to do a lead test (b/c our house is old) and give him a flu shot. There were no flu vaccines ready, so they gave him a different booster and took the blood for the lead test (it's a finger stick). Iain hated it.

As a baby, he didn't react too badly to shots. He cried, but only for a minute and he didn't hold a grudge.

Not so much yesterday. He was angry. He wailed. He screamed. He snarled and twisted and surprised the nurse with his ability to get away. Yes, I was holding him. So was she. He's a big kid, y'all.

We waited for the lead test. And waited. And waited. I heard someone in the hall say, "I'm just having one of those days." And then the doctor came in.

The nurse accidentally stuck herself with Iain's needle. She's pregnant. So, though no one thinks of Iain as (in the doctor's words) "a 45-year-old drug user," we all had to go down to the lab.

For a blood test. Iain and the nurse both had to undergo testing for HepA, HebB, and HIV.

Can I tell you how Iain reacted to an IV blood-taking experience? Not well. To her credit, the lab tech got it done like greased lightning, and the folks waiting insisted that we go first. Bravo to them. But poor Iain was not happy.

In the end, he got 2 hours of TV and ice cream for dinner (with frozen organic blueberries on it, because Mommy has some standards).

1 comment:

Heather said...

Wow. Not a good way to end a doctor appointment.