Friday, November 14, 2008


[Feeding Iain is fairly entertaining. At this stage almost everything is new for him. Even ye olde sweet potato, new just a week ago, then old news, is now new again thanks to the addition of cinnamon!

This stage is supposedly all about associations. If that's true, then Iain has doubtless figured out this string: high chair+bib+Mommy or Daddy = somfink to eats!!]

Huh. What's that green stuff?

Whatever. I'll try it.

Hmm....sweet potato, a hint of roasted-y-ness, cinnamon...

And...and...and...PEAS! Yuck. I knew Mommy wasn't to be trusted.

But, you know, I'll eat them. Because I have to store up some fat for winter. I mean, in addition to the fat on my thighs that's already forming cottage cheese bumps.
And once I've eaten, my mood reflects the blood sugar spike immediately:

Here's a close-up. This is why Mommy has to wipe me off with a moist cloth right after I eat. The other day, she found sweet potato in my eyebrow.

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