Oh. Hello. Today on Fashion Disasters: Sunglasses from the WayBack Machine.
Observe: archaeologists found this pair of plastic sunglasses buried under the shifting sands of Mommy's closet. They appear to be in remarkably good condition, for their age.
Legend says that ancient sunglasses like these carry the Curse of Tom Cruise, and that anyone who wears them will be forever doomed to wear only tighty-whities and see only action-adventure movies. But of course, that's all just mythos. Nothing to worry about, chaps.
Arghgh!! No! Take them off! I can see...I can see... I CAN SEE THE LATE 1980's!!!!!
I remember you in those glasses. And now you're trying to foist them on an innocent child? Shame on you...
Dude! I didn't force them on him. He was archaeologizing, see, and he found them in a pile somewhere.
Don't blame me, dude.
Also, I looked awesome in those. At the time.
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