Sunday, July 05, 2009


Bart tried on Iain's hat. It's a cute picture, because Bart and Tony were so lovely with Iain and because I remember that when this photo was taken I'd just emerged from perhaps the most revolting bathroom in Europe.

Take my advice: don't use the loo underneath the bridge by the punting place near the dorms at King's College (the ugly modern ones). Seriously. Worse than the Cork bus station, and that's saying a lot.

Here's a bit more advice: if your car breaks down in the rain on the Sunday after July 4, you won't have a fun afternoon. Even if wonderful friends from Virginia and DC alter all their plans to fetch you, take you in, feed you, comfort you and otherwise mitigate the pain, you still won't have a nice day. In fact, your day will be right on up there with that time you got your wisdom teeth out.

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