Sunday, March 07, 2010

Oh, and I Forgot -

I went out to mess with the yard today (read: pick up poo) and what did I find?

1. Garlic growing in my veggie bed (a holdover from last year, I guess)

2. New chard popping up.

3. Thyme, Sage, and parsley coming back after the winter.

4. The first shoots of my bulbs coming up through the still-frozen soil of the enormous freestanding pot on the deck. (the bulbs out in the garden are well up, but the rabbits are munching on them a bit. I don't know what will happen with that, since this is my first year with bulbs.)

Yay! Welcome spring. Did I mention that the forecast is for high 50s all week, with nighttime temps in the low 40s? Whee!

1 comment:

Alexandra said...

exciting!!! we need pictures!