Tuesday, March 09, 2010


To begin our parade of not-very-attractive-or-informative photos, let's take a look at the garlic.

I planted a couple of heads last year, and in the fall nothing had happened. Fine, whatever. I just ignored it. Failure happens all the time in gardening. And since there's nothing to be done about it, one just chalks it up to bad weather/bad luck/bad timing/bad product and moves on.

The garlic chose to stay. I guess it spent winter chanting "I think I can!" like the Little Engine That Could. And here it is, tiny little cloves with sprouts coming up at the very first sign of warmer weather and sunshine.

It's nothing I can really eat (I could, but there's so little who'd notice?), but garlic is a good thing in a veggie garden. Its smell repels some pests, and it takes up very little room. so I'll keep up the salutary neglect and hopefully my little garlic babies will growgrowgrow.

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