Thursday, November 27, 2008

For Aunt Miriam

Hey, how you doin'? My Aunt Miriam asked if she could see my room. So I got the staff to take some pictures. Here I am, welcoming you to my pad.

This is where I get my diaper changed, my clothes changed, my sheets changed, and where I take my naps. Sometimes I play in here, but not that often.

This is a wider shot of my room. As you can see, we don't have a theme or anything. My parents said the theme is "no theme." They're kind of killjoys like that.

Here's my changing table. This is where I keep the wipe-box (my favorite diaper-time toy) and my shoes, jacket, and some other stuff. Aunt Miriam made the cross-stitched pictures that hang above my head.
It's a good thing, too, because they're the only things on the wall that belong to me. Otherwise, it's all Mommy, Mommy, Mommy. That's Mommy's book about European royal dynasties on the table, for example. And almost all the books in the bookshelf are hers, too. She needs to butt out of my room!

So that's my place. You like?


SarahHub said...

I like! I'm not into themed rooms either, although Evie's has kind of turned into a "pink" theme. Iain's room is very bright and cozy!

Heather said...

I like the wall color! So warm and cozy.

Fiona said...

Thanks, ladies. I take no credit - the color was there when we bought the house.

I used to use that room as my office, so the blue suited me. Now, it's a blue room for a boy, which is a total cliche. But I'm too lazy to care, plus it's a nice color.

You're both right about it being cozy. It's the warmest room in our cold house, so that's good for Mr. Iain.