Later, we traveled to Ellis Island, where our group toured the hospital buildings (not open to the public) and the main island (definitely open to thousands and thousands of the public). You can see the Statue of Liberty from the island, which tends to make you particularly sympathetic to those who had to stay there - the sick, those to be deported, and new immigrants not yet cleared to board a ferry to the city.

After Ellis Island, after the Tenement Museum, after Katz's Deli, we rode the subway back uptown to our digs. Our gang, christened Twee Fury by a colleague (weapons of choice: AHA totebags twirled above our heads with historical verve), dominated the train.

Oooh, "Bates History." I wanna work somewhere with COOL HATS.
Do I detect snark?
I've never even heard of such a thing.
my brother lives in new york! you probably passed him on the street. lol
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