Sunday, July 11, 2010

Pretty Much the Whole Weekend

We go to the park. Iain plays, Iain walksveryfast on the grass, Iain exclaims over the mountains, the bugs, the birds, the other kids, etc.

I see his point about the mountains. Check out the range behind the park. They face west, so in the early evening the sun hits them in a particularly beautiful way.

Then we get him back into the BOB, walk through the neighborhood a bit, and head home for bath, storytime, and bed. It's a hard life, but someone has to live it.


Lawrence said...

You two will be amused to learn that Iain's primary mode of transport is not the only means of transportation known as "BOB." The same is true of regional trains in Bavaria -- all very useful for reaching places like the Alps -- and all identified by the acronym for their name: Bayern Oberland Bahn, or BOB. They even have it painted in big block letters on the front of every engine -- the train named BOB. Too funny!

BaysYates said...

Wow. I am pretty sure you made a good choice swapping Kentucky for that. :) What an amazing part of the country.