Monday, December 21, 2009

Early Presents!

Callie and I exchanged presents last weekend. I gave her a box set of Gossie books. She gave me a dump truck with its own garage and a driver and three things to put in the truck. You'll note the holes in the roof of the garage. You can back the dump truck in, then drop the stuff (a potato sack, a rectangular box, and a barrel) into the bed of the truck. Then you drive it out, see, and dump the stuff out again!


I play with it day and night. I play with it before "bekkie." I play with it during all meals. I threw a screaming fit yesterday to avoid having to go out to lunch without it. This morning, The Mom persuaded me to leave it at home only by explaining that if I took it to school the other kids might touch it.

I've christened the driver "Bob," after Bob the Builder and my Grandfather. I carry him around, saying things like "Bob? Tuck? House?" which means "Whither goest my man Bob, who drives the truck and parks it in yonder garage?"

Callie knows me in my heart and she sees what will please me. This morning, at second breakfast, I got to sit across from her at the Big Table. Could this week *be* more heavenly? I think not.

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