Wednesday, December 09, 2009


So...last night around 9 I went upstairs. Charles and I have been watching our favorite TV show at 9 every night (we use Netflix to get interesting shows, then watch them on our DVD player. We got rid of the cable a few months ago and I really don't miss it).

Walking past Iain's door, I noticed that there was a quiet sort of chatting coming from within. Hmmm.

Ten minutes later, it was still going. So I opened the door to see if he was ok. Why yes. Yes he was.

"Mama!" he said, "Gossie!"

He was reading, in his crib. With the overhead light on. Oops.

Boy, was he ticked off when I turned off the light and said goodnight.

In other news, two new words: yeah, and overalls. As in [me in the parking lot of Kroger] "Isn't that a nice truck, Iain?" reply: "Yeah!"

Tomorrow is the last day of classes. After that, it's grading and paperwork and finally, finally, finally, the holiday. Good times.

Christmas is coming. I think I need this.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't laugh, but I really considered this for Will. But then I realized that I would be the target, so I didn't complete the order.