Remember how, last week, I told Charles "Oh, no. I don't need new slippers. These are great! They'll last another year for sure."
Background: today I left for school at 7:20am. At 7:44, my phone rang. It was Charles. Iain had performed his patented Missile Intercept Vomit Cannon. We didn't talk long, because the Cannon wasn't quite finished.
After I taught my last class of the semester and put up a sign for my seniors (they had to turn in their final papers to my cold, hard, office door. It was sad.), I came back home to take over for the afternoon.
Everything seemed fine at first. We got an email bragging about Graham and Freddie's uncle David. Apparently he sold a bunch of his fabulous paintings (and maybe sculptures?) in Miami, including to some very big wigs. Like everyone who knows him, we exult in his success because he's such a lovely person.
Whatever, Iain replied. I can do art, too:
What's he working with? Oh, mixed media. A little finger paint. Two bowls of pasta and some black peppercorns (no, not my Sarawaks - as if). Elmer's glue, a couple of brushes, and some glossy paper. Nothing much.
He (I) signed his work with an "I" made out of peppercorns.
Then Iain threw up all over me, the bedroom carpet, and himself. Charles flung towels on us, and then started laundry while I dunked Iain in his third bath of the day. Then we got out the big guns: the steam vacuum. Yes, Charles had to steam the carpet just before bed. Awesome.
And my slippers? Not washable. Covered in...stuff. So, L.L. Bean? I'll be needing a new pair. Thanks.
what type of slippers would those be?
LLBean's Hearthside slipper. Simply fantastic. I ordered these a couple of months ago and now I wear them constantly. I sit around drinking hot cider and admiring the snow covered hills of Charleston. Alright actually I run to CVS and put them on the minute I get home from work but THEY ARE LLBEAN so the Maine motif suits better.
No, no, no. In order to stay true to the New England ethos, one must have the Wicked Good slippers. The kind with the fleece gushing out the sides.
I ordered a new pair today. Should be here in 2-5 days, which is wicked fast. And while I was at it, I ordered a purple fleece top. Looks wicked comfy.
So I'm wicked happy right now.
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