Wednesday, January 07, 2009

At Last

Blogger has been having some technical issues. They delayed the publication of this pretty little tale. But with no further ado...

Last night, Iain and his entourage dined at Callie's house. Iain enjoyed the visit with his ladies, and he found that he could easily ignore the staff as they chattered incessantly about trivia.

But Callie was all, "Hey! What's that kid doing in my high-chair? HEY!"

[Note her second dinner of chicken and peas. Dinner Number One was apparently not enough, so she ordered seconds. The chicken was good, but she had to chew up the peas to determine that yes, in fact, they were still gross. She spat them out.]

Eventually, Callie relented and let Iain sit in her chair for his dinner. She said, "I guess he's ok. He can use my high-chair. But only because I'm a big girl and I can sit in a real chair. He's just a baby."

Later, they played together. Callie got down and crawled with Iain, she let him bang on her plastic eggs, and she didn't flaunt her ability to run that much.

She did flaunt her exceptional belly, though. Check that puppy out. And if you ask her, "Callie, where's your belly?" she knows the answer. Next, the staff will have to teach her to rub it while patting her head.

Even when Callie's mom played with Iain, Callie took it in stride. She's generous like that. Plus, she figured out how to play Iain's Mom for a total sucker. Step one: drop sippy cup. Step two: Cry like it's the end of the world. Step three: enjoy the love after you're scooped up and lavished with kisses and hugs. So easy.


Chris Bray said...

"...she let him bang on her plastic eggs..."

Go easy, dude -- these are children, for crying out loud.

For the record, Iain may not bang on Madeline's plastic eggs just yet.

Fiona said...

Dude. You. Are. Sick.

Seek help, dude.

You know, shouldn't you be doing something else? Like familiarizing yourself with the details of the history of Tampa?