Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Brando Tries to Catch Up

Hey! Look on the right!! How come Ben and Callie and Isla have more entries than moi? What am I, chopped foie?

Moooooommm!!! Do something.

That's better. I'll just sit here and grow my (cheeks!) while you take my picture. Don't be shy about sending it in. I'm a hottie and everyone should know it. See me in my Polo leisure suit? See me? No one can resist. It's a fact.

Ok, little dude. Here's our diabolical plan. We're going to send in photos all the time (from the comfort of our spiffy vibrating seat) and pretty soon we'll Dominate the pages of Hurst Street. We'll have lots more entries than those other kids, especially the one with the huge head. You with me?


Oh. Yeah, I guess I'll eventually need to give up the binky in order to dominate the world. thing at a time, dude. For now, how about you change my diaper?


Unknown said...

I would like to ask, where is Brando's older sister, Chloe? Her rankings on the blog are NON EXISTENT.... same with Annabelle and Juliette. Not that I am a bitter auntie.

Rae said...

That second picture made me smile. WHAT A CUTIE!

Bart said...

I think I've twigged to your master plan. You post lots of pictures of other people's babies - people who don't have their own websites - and then you've got them logging in to see, and they tell their relatives, 'hey, there's new pics of Baby X on Hurst Street' and before you know it, you've got a readership of millions.

Clever gal. :¬)