Friday, September 25, 2009

Missing Youuuuuu

Before he departed for Cali, Charles found a photograph that he could cut up to make wallet-sized. That way, when people are all, "what does your spawn look like?" He can provide some instant gratification.

He left the remainder of the photo on the desk, along with the scissors. Iain can now reach the top of the desk (and pretty much anything else. I figure it's a matter of weeks before I find him standing in the open refrigerator door, trying to make his own breakfast).

So he reached up, grabbed the scissors and photo, and began to examine said treasures. His noises of delight alerted me that Something Was Wrong, so I took away the scissors. That left the photo.

"Daddy!" he said. Yup. That's him. And ever since he's been walking around with it, holding it up, crinkling it, etc.

I think he misses The Dad.


Charles said...

The Dad misses Iain!

Alexandra said...

how sweet!!! since Charles had surgery and can't get out of bed, sweet pea has been sleeping with his picture. lol