Thursday, September 24, 2009


Remember last October, when I lost my voice? Remember? Huh? Ok, here's the post, in case you missed it.

So guess what? Guess! No, Guess!!

Ok, I'll tell you. I lost my voice! AGAIN! No, it's true. I had a cough, I was otherwise feeling mildly poopy, and then, after my 11 o'clock lecture, poof! Bye-bye vocal chords. It was scratchy (I like to think in a kind of hot way) until about 8, then completely gone when Charles called at 9.

The good thing is that I don't have to lecture again for more than a week. I have a group discussion on next Tuesday and until then I can rest the chords. The bad thing is that the last time, my voice was gone for like 4 days. That will not be fun, especially when I need to say "NO! You may not squeeze Boris's eyeball while sticking your tongue in an electrical socket, Young Man!"

Could I get some more exclamation points? I seem to be running out.


Megan said...

Hang in there! I hope the voice comes back more quickly this time. In the meantime, here are some exclamation points for you!!!!!!!!!! :)

Unknown said...

Hot tea and steam and IM. Maybe even video chatting with me where you can practice sign language so you can communicate with Iain.

Unknown said...

hot water, apple cider vinegar and honey, repeat often.
