Monday, June 29, 2009

Let's Start With...

Mommy and Iain at the church for Miriam and Will's do. We had to step out a bit so Iain could recover his composure. Daddy took the opportunity to shoot some pictures of us together.

Note the terrible British weather of legend. Awful stuff. Hours and hours of sunshine. I don't know how they stand it.

1 comment:

Chocolate, Vanilla and Caramel said...

It's YOU! Having never met you in real life, it is such fun to see a lovely photo of you! Also, the plastic food was a gift. A friend go it from Toys R Us I think in a little grocery basket carrying case thing, and then a neighbor gave us a whole bunch more food (mini name brand stuff) that she found at Walmart I think it was. The kids love it, as you can tell!