Saturday, June 06, 2009

Today's Farmer's Market Haul

Clockwise, from the center/top:
an heirloom tomato to go in my big tub that was holding lettuce (now bolted);
the first garlic of the season! California Early, complete with edible scapes;
a frozen organic chicken, small enough for just two;
locally-produced Italian sausage (sweet), sold by a lady who wears a "crown" made of plastic sausages;
4-cheese ravioli, made by a local academic/importer of Italian goodness;
the first crook-neck squash from a favorite local farm; fig and walnut spread;
the last local asparagus;
pumpkin bread made by another favorite farmer;
strawberries from the stand that sold me some excellent apples last fall;
and Italian noodles with that beautiful nubbly look that comes from being extruded through an old-fashioned pasta machine.

Yum, yum, yum, yum.


Unknown said...

Can you ask favorite garlic farmer friend of yours how he does it? My garlic is sooo not that strong looking. What am I doing wrong? I mean, I planted it and promptly forgot it. So why isn't it all happy and thick? Oh wait.... I think see the issue...

Fiona said...

When did you plant it? These are from garlic planted last fall, so unless yours are that old...

Also, there are 2 kinds of garlic: softneck and hardneck. They grow differently and are harvested at different times. So you may not have the same kind. Put up a picture of your garlic for me.

BaysYates said...

Wow. Yum. I am so making a trip to your house for dinner.