Tuesday, June 09, 2009

You May Visit His Excellency Again (Bring More Peaches!)

Iain enjoyed meeting a new admirer this weekend. Selcen came to stay Friday and Sunday nights, with a wee trip to Ohio in between (for a wedding). She brought the most wonderful present: a basket of South Carolina peaches and a jar of honey from Asheville with the honeycomb still in there! (Watch as Mommy swoons).

Iain likes the peaches. Yesterday, perched in his highchair in the kitchen while all kinds of activity went on around him, He reached over, pulled the platter toward the edge of the counter, plucked off a whole peach, pulled it apart with his fingers, and proceeded to start eating. I think, all told, he ate 2 whole peaches yesterday alone. Wow. Wow, dude.

Selcen came with Devin, who last saw Iain when The Moose was knee-high to a grasshopper. Nowadays, of course, he's knee-high to the Jolly Green Giant. As you see above, Devin enjoys playing peekaboo on the stairs.

It was fun to see Devin again, and to meet Selcen. Iain especially liked the wooden toy they brought from Jungle Jim's. (Mommy is still counting her Kung Pao spice packets, muttering "my precious, my precious...").

It was a busy weekend, what with Grandmother, Callie, Selcen, Devin and Callie's staff all making appearances. Iain rolled with it, though, and he figures that it's good training for his upcoming overseas adventure.

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