The point is: he's getting addicted to the books. Tonight he made poor Charles read about 10 books, some several times. This, after he made me read Goggles (or, as he calls it: "Doggie!") and after he spend the day "reading." I didn't make up those scare-quotes, Miss Meghan did. That's what the daycare report card said, "reading."
Yeah. Meanwhile, he's picking up words like no tomorrow. This week it's been: bus, airplane, song, knee, elbow, yellow, and probably more that I can't remember. Supposedly, he should have 50 words at age 2. He's 18 months, and I'm pretty sure he's got his 50 already.
By 2, I expect to hear him saying things like "Mother, I am convinced that the epistemological system espoused by Maddie B. falsely connects super-structure to base. Surely we have to consider the transgressive nature of the self in order - fully - to understand her fundamental questions?"
Ah, a boy after my own heart... :)
Our young lady, who is mere weeks ahead of your young man, now has simple sentences of command: Mommy, come! Daddy, cook!
Language -- it's like a leash for the mommy and daddy.
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