Friday, November 13, 2009

Daycare and Frankfort

Above, Frankfort, taken from the steps of the Kentucky Historical Society. It's a pretty town, and a place I get to visit now and then for an early-American historians group that meets monthly.

But that's not the point of this post. If I ever wondered why Iain's eager to go to daycare in the morning, today cleared that right up. As we stood in the lobby (changing out sunglasses for regular glasses, waiting for that other mom to stop standing there with the door open, blocking the login kiosk), Callie flung herself up against the door, mouthing (probably yelling but who can hear it through the door?) "Iain! Iain! Iain!"

When we got inside, she came dancing over right away, her leopard-lined jacket trailing elegantly from her shoulders. Everyone was grooving to "This Little Pig Went to Market," and Callie wanted Iain to Dance, Dance, Dance!

Lately, Iain's been dragging his Gossie and Gertie book everywhere. You know it goes, right? "Gossie and Gertie are friends, best friends." Hmmm....coincidence?

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