Thursday, October 09, 2008

It's the Little Stuff

I never really thought about all the things you have to learn.
Like, this week I've been sitting Iain up and pulling off his onesie. He has to lift his arms so I can get it off, and he gets the most quizzical look on his face when the fabric goes over his head. I think he was accustomed to us dressing him while he was on his back, but this new way is...weird, he thinks.
Another thing I never considered was my hairstyle. Not the style itself, but the fact that it changes. My hair is long, and sometimes I wear a pony-tail, other times it's pulled partly back, and when I'm feeling extra crazy I just let it all hang down.
For the first couple of months of Iain's life, I pretty much wore a pony-tail all the time. So when I began to carry him around after my shower (hair hanging down and wet), he was confused. Then I started teaching again, which meant the partial pull-back. More confusion. Iain spent a lot of time reaching for my hair and stroking it thoughtfully. Those little brain-wheels were grinding away: "Looks like my mommy, but the feathers aren't right. Smells like my mommy, but what's all this fringe?" etc.
Meanwhile, I'm remembering childhood lessons long forgotten. Such as: wash behind your ears. I don't think I'd done this in twenty years (obviously, when I wash my hair, the shampoo gets back there. That's fine, right?).
But now I'm washing Iain, and I'm hyper aware of all the places that a bit of schmutz might collect. So it's scrub, scrub, scrub behind those ears, and scrub, scrub, scrub between those toes.
Next I'm going to have to learn a few songs. On Top of Old Smoky*, Great Green Globs of Greasy, Grimy, Gopher Guts** and Mrs. O'Leary*** aren't cutting it.
*On top of old smokeeeee,
All covered with sand,
I shot my poor teeeeeeacher,
With a red rubber band.
I shot her with glory,
I shot her with priiiiide.
I couldn't have missed her,
She was forty feet wide.
I went to her fuuuuuneral,
I went to her grave,
Some people threw flowers,
I threw hand grenades.
[The above is so obviously the product of a more innocent time. I remember thinking that the really insulting part of this was the second verse, where you get to call your teacher fat.]
**Great green globs of greasy, grimy gopher guts,
Mutilated monkey-meat,
Little tiny birdy feet,
Great green globs of greasy, grimy gopher guts,
And I forgot my spoooooon!
***Late last night, when we were all in bed (make sleepy signal with hands next to cheek)
Mrs. O'Leary hung a lantern in the shed (make lantern-hanging motion)
And when the cow kicked it over (mime kick)
She winked her eye and said: (make winking motion with hand next to eye)
It's gonna be a hot time, in the Old Town, To-night! (make fanning motion)
[These last two, on the other hand, are as much fun now as they ever were. I especially enjoy holding Iain's hands and getting him to do the motions for Mrs. O'Leary, since he has Absolutely No Idea what the crazy lady is going on about.]


SarahHub said...

I know what you mean about the hair - Evie did a double-take after my last hair cut! Good thing I went from blond back to my natural color before she was born...

I love those old songs! My mom sings one about "give that piggy a pinch of snuff." I always think it's so inappropriate now...

Unknown said...

Just wait until you have to teach him how to tie his shoes...especially if he is a lefty (pleasepleaseplease) like me.

You will love in with velcro all over again...