Saturday, October 18, 2008

Right Now

Upstairs, Iain sleeps in his crib while Callie sleeps in the Pack-n-Play. It's Iain's first sleep-over.

Callie and her parents came by for wine and cheese, then Callie took a snooze while the 'rents are off to a little party down the street. Here's Callie looking redonkulous before bed:

Ouch! More cuteness:

She's going to reach out and touch you. And since that finger has been in her mouth (a lot), you should probably invest in some lens cleaner.

Meanwhile, Dad's got his George Clooney face on:

And Mommy's been overwhelmed by Callie's cuteness. She can't help herself. She.Must.Smooch!

Seriously - irresistable. Iain played with a balloon, too. Video tomorrow. Try to sleep tonight, though I know the anticipation will be terrible.