Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Whatever for the Fish - take my picture!

So you take your teensy person to the aquarium to show them the fishies. And you're all: look! Fishies! And it's special Father-daughter time and you'll always remember and she'll grow up to be Jackie Cousteau.

Except she's really more interested in the camera. Much more interested.

And guess what? She's not going to be a zoologist, either.

Oh, well. Perhaps she'll end up making Ansel Adams look like a hack.


SarahHub said...

Looks like she's going to be a future model...

Chris Bray said...

That dude with her has a really striking right partial profile, dude.

Fiona said...

Dude - he's "hawt" dude.

Also, dude: the padewan seems to have the same hairline as the fellow with the profile. Coincidence?

Chris Bray said...

And yet somehow, dude, the child is a blue-eyed strawberry blonde. We don't understand -- we just try to keep the diapers clean and the belly full, dude.

Fiona said...

Dude - meanwhile, my delicious black-haired baby is turning into a blonde!!! WTF?

And he looks like me. Which is just sad.

I mean, he's completely snorgle-able, but in my fantasies he looked like his dad. I'm hoping he'll darken up as he ages, like miso paste.