Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mind if I Just Melt?

So far today:
Tidied the dining room (you'd be surprised how much Iain mucks it up in there)
Tidied the sunroom
Tidied the living room.
Collected items to be given away, drove to Goodwill and donated them.
Collected items going to the library, moved them to the back door for delivery this afternoon.
Took Iain to the grocery and obtained veggies for my side dish for tomorrow's picnic.
Wrote a letter to get a class changed so that it will help our majors more.
Created a scavenger hunt for my lower-division course (it's extra credit).
Counted proposals for a conference this fall and solicited more.
Answered a bazillion emails from seniors finishing their final papers.
Tidied the guest room.
Soaked "delicates" in Woolite.

Still to do:
Library donation.
Cook those veggies.
Make guest bed.
Make dinner.
Clean kitchen.
Clean bathroom.
Clean "delicates."
Clean other bathroom.

I think I'm going to get on that last one.


Alexandra said...

I am impressed! you get more done in a day than I do in an hour! lol :) I have much to learn...

Unknown said...

the only reason you have that big of a cleaning list is that you have company coming this weekend. Oh wait, you *do* as it is the Oaks and Derby.... heh heh heh